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Casa Blanca address

The address of the propery is Chemin du Pré d’Icard 405 B, Le Plan-de-la-Tour.

GPS coordinates

Longitude: 43.335327
Lattitude: 6.552189

Choose country: France
Choose city: Le Plan-de-la-Tour
Street: Chemin Du Pré d’Icard

How to get here?

By plane

Nearest airport is Nice, which is approximately 1 hour drive east from Casa Blanca. Most big airlines fly to Nice Airport.
To find the best fights according to your needs, we recommend using

You can also fly to Marseilles, which is about 1,5 hour drive west for Casa Blanca.

Rent car

For reasonable car-rental alternatives, we have good experience using
On this site you can choose between many car-rental alternatives which may suit your needs according to location, car alternatives and pricing.

In Nice Côte d’Azur airport there are car rental desks at Terminal 1 (open until 10pm) and bigger Car Rental Centre in Terminal 2 (open all day). The car rental desks at Terminal 1 serve customers of Europcar, Hertz, Avis and Budget, but has a more limited collection of cars compared with the Car Rental Centre in Terminal 2.
There are shuttle buses leaving regularly between the two terminals.